Sunday, June 04, 2006

Thank Bush for democracy death

Congratulations fans of the Bush administraton! You're almost there. You've just about wiped out 230 years of the building of democracy. Isn't it great to cheer on your leaders as they strip constitutional rights one by one?

Torture of innocent people? Fine by me, you say. Spy on Americans without a warrent? Great! Lock up people with no trials for years? No problem there. The FBI investigation of the League of Women Voters and the Quakers? Oh, they must be terrorists, you muse.

Now several states, including Florida, are imposing draconian laws about voter registration to make it much more difficult to both register voters and to vote. No problem, you say! The elections of 2000 were clearly fraud in Florida. Database Technologies Inc, hired by Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris to purge the polls of "felons," netted 97,000 people, the vast majority both non-felons and minorities who tend to vote Democrat. Since Bush "won" by less than 600 votes, do the math.

Oh , that's just liberal ranting, you say as you dismiss one atrocity after another, lie after lie, massive incompetence (Katrina) and massive corruption. No, just stick to your beliefs, don't question authority and cheer on America's demise. Congratulations. You "won"
Mary Weathers
Spokane, WA
The Spokesman-Review


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