Saturday, August 20, 2005

Iraq war damages U.S. name

Sandy Clark got one thing right: we need a Marshall Plan for the Middle East ("Iraq was as needed as WWII," Aug 12). Clark forgets about Hitler and Tojo actually having and using menacing weapons and using them. Had Bush been president on Dec. 7, 1941, we'd have likely attacked Spain.

You see, we did go after the source of the attack, only to be diverted on a family grudge. If we were still actively seeking the enemy we'd have been successful by now. All we've done in Iraq is squander our good name and image, along with 1,800 of our children, while manufacturing new terrorists with our heavy-handed bully act.

One thing that should not be dismissed is the fact that bin Laden was providing his own Marshall Plan, and thusly won over many to his cause. Of course, our incursion into Iraq has given him credibility. The world sees us kicking down doors, abusing prisoners, and killing innocents, and we look bad.

Let's not forget who sold the poison gas to Hussein: Rumsfield, and again after he used it. Disgusting!
Bob Amerine
Deer Park, WA
The Spokesman Review


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