Saturday, August 20, 2005

Slide of city services alarming

Spokane is a mess. The delivery of public services has been in a regrettable state of decline for years, and now that decline seems about to accelerate. And please, let’s not pat anyone on the back for some long overdue paving. I see the death of a good library system, rampaging crime and citizen apathy. Do we even want this city? Or should we give it back to the county?

But if we are serious about keeping our city, we need to elect leaders who are willing to place a sustainable tap on the substantial wealth that is available here in Spokane. Also, current attitudes in Olympia must change.

But it is essential that we do establish an ongoing progressive funding of the city’s public needs. Without a rich public life, we all suffer and invite disaster. The investment the wealthy make to maintain such a public life is actually a reinvestment of what they have reaped from the past. It’s the honorable thing to do. And if those unwilling to pay their fair share for such as a true public safety and a quality library want to leave, I say good riddance. The more worthy will take their place.

Ron Meyers
Spokane, WA
The Spokesman-Review


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