No action behind pro-war words
There’s a mother camped out near Dubya’s ranch in Crawford, Texas, who wants to know what her son died for (“President passes grieving mother,” Aug 13). George has uttered the usual platitudes, “Noble cause, stay the course, I feel your pain.” No, I guess it was Slick Willie who felt the pain. After a while, the hogwash politicians regurgitate all sounds the same.
And thus, I wonder whether Bush and his war supporters are sincere or hypocritical. For instance, has Bush publicly exhorted his daughters to enlist? Those young ladies couldn’t go overseas: security problems. But they could help.
We all know folks who are big supporters of the war, some young, some old. Few are enlisting or encouraging their kids to enlist. Too dangerous! Forty percent of the citizens still support Bush’s war. The U.S. has 50 million folks ages 17 to 30. That’s 20 million supporters who could enlist. If only half could meet standards, the country would have 10 million war hawks who could serve. If less than 1 percent enlisted, the Army would meet its goal of 80,000 for the year. They won’t. I guess Bushies are hawks as long as someone else does the fighting.
Don Schroeder
Loon Lake, WA
The Spokesman-Review
Loon Lake, WA
The Spokesman-Review
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