Congress ingores people
I would like to extend congratulations to our Congress; it only took them over four years to pass an energy bill, which only benefited large corporations. It did nothing for the average American.
I would like to suggest that we cut Congress' work schedule to six months a year; after all it seems they are on vacation two or three times a year. What a savings! Cut their wages and benefits in half and pay down the national debt.
Seniors, be sure and let your congressional representative know you expect a 10 to 15 percent COLA this year. Don't let them fool you. They are talking 2 to 3 percent inflation.
Gas is twice the price it was two years ago; look at bread, meat, milk, insurance all have increased much more than 2 or 3 percent. Our Medicare costs should be going down; not up; poor management. It is time for Congress to represent the people, not big business.
William Monday
Evans, WA
The Spokesman-Review
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