Impeachment too good
Recent news headlines read "Majority believes Bush misled the people." That's a brilliant deduction, "majority." What was your first clue? Were his lips moving at the time?
"Impeachment proceedings" are nearly as preposterous as the conflict in Iraq itself, offering the criminal a friendly "pardon" - opportunity to escape all responsibility, blame and hard-earned punishment that is properly due."
Nothing less than this president's dearly guarded capital-punishment policy is sufficient for the monstrous crimes George W. Bush has committed against every life on Earth. How extremely appropriate it seems for the words "capital" and "punishmente" to have collaborated as cohorts in our society to denote nothing less than "death."
Nevertheless, mere impeachment seems to be the conservatively chosen course. Bush gets off the hook and his overtly covert mission gets accomplished. The mission? Accumulate more capital in one "transaction" than any since the Louisiana Purchase.
Is this a bad thing? If you don't already know the answer to this question, ask your children and/or grandchildren in about twenty years. Those who are still living to respond willmost likely provide some very provocative answers.
Meanwhile, congratulations, America. You took the bait again...or did you? I'm still rooting for you, America. Yay team...
David Kendall
Spokane, WA
The Spokesman Review
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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