Thursday, August 04, 2005

White House harms security

We are not safe, and we never will be completely safe. This administration, however, continually claims to have made us safer since Sept. 11, despite clear evidence to the contrary.

Steps have been taken to improve our national security. But all those precautions will gain us nothing if White House insiders, in order to discredit investigations that contradict their predetermined stances, vindictively reveal undercover intelligence operatives' identities.

If the intelligence is good, if the position is correct, they don't need to carefully filter the intelligence to slant it towards their point of view - the only picture worth having is a complete picture. That is the only way we can make wise, informed decisions about going to war, something that should never be done unless absolutely necessary, and demonstrated to be necessary by a preponderance of evidence. Such was the case in Afghanistan. Such was not the case in Iraq, and Ambassador Wilson and his wife's inquiry showed this.

Demand accountability for this act. Demand Karl Rove be fired.
Patricia Alberts
Spokane, WA
The Spokesman Review


At 5:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.


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