Friday, August 05, 2005

Logic of Bolton continued

As expected, President Bush has made the pocket appointment of John Bolton to the U.N. Bolton, who has voiced disdain for the U.N, if you recall, had literally dozens of people show up for his Senate confirmation hearings, voluntarily, to describe him as a "kiss up/kick down" kind of guy, who tried to have underlings fired if they did not provide him with information agreeing with his biases.

Most, if not all, of the volunteers were not liberal hacks, but Republicans who felt it their duty to prevent the nomination, a most unusual occurance.

There is an apparent lack in conservative circles of arrogant and aggravating personnel, requiring Bush to appoint Bolton via the back door, even though he was not received well by the Senate, who held up his confirmation.

Following this logic, I would soon expect a rash of new appointments before the Senate reconvenes.. Here are a few of my predictions: Bill O'Reilly, ambassador to France; the Rev. Louis Farrakhan, ambassador to Israel; Madalyn O'Hair (if she were alive), ambassador to the Vatican; an Irish IRA supporter, ambassador to Great Britain.
D. Neil Fitzgerald
Spokane Valley, WA
The Spokesman Review


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