Conservation effort overdue
The price of gas is skyrocketing and we now know that oil supplies worldwide are finite and limited (even without the political unrest in the Middle East, Africa and South America). In addition, global warming and its consequences, which are one result of the world's overuse of oil-based fuels, is scarily real.
So why is there no loud cry for conservation and a real push by our elected officials to develop alternatively sources of energy? Where is the leader that can "call us to arms" to actively conserve and be part of the solution? Are Americans just too selfish, too interested in instant gratification today that they are unconcerned about the future of the planet - the only home we have?
Many of us care deeply and do what we can as individuals, but we need a focused, concerted national effort on the part of our elected officials and leaders.
Claudia Craven
Spokane, WA
The Spokesman Review