Give whistleblowers protection
Even before 9/11 there was a push in the federal government to reclassify documents in the name of "national security" that have been declassified over the years.
We have secret meetings held by the president and vice-president.
We have a Congress that demands to know about domestic phone taps, data mining and other secret programs that trample on our constitutional rights, and when asked about it they say they cannot tell us because of 'national security". They cannot even tell us if it violates our constitutional rightsk, let alone what the program is.
The only way we find out is by whistleblowers who believe the nation is better served by exposing misconduct by the government than the secrecy that hides it, even when classified under the veil of "national security."
Now the Supreme Court has handed down a ruling that scales back the rights of whistleblowers.
It doesn't matter whether it is a Democratic or a Republican Congress, the fact is that is is happening to us. No more secrets, no more lies. Congress must strengthen the legislation protecting whistleblowers.
Lawrence Schuchart
Spokane, WA
The Spokesman-Review