Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Demand lower gas prices

Higher gasoline prices at the retail pump have dominated the printed and TV news recently to the point of ire on the part of the public. Many have felt used by the system and frustrated because they think they can do nothing about it.

Wrong! It's very obvious that the push of prices is primarily a political ploy, similar to the higher prices in the early '70s during the Nixon administration being blamed on "a shortage of oil". This wasproven to be a lie after the oil companies got their higher prices. (How many of us waited in line only to be allowed to squirt a few drops into our tanks!)
Very likely, the politics behind higher prices is that our illustrious star-studded U.S. predident and his cronies want to destroy one of the last remaining pristine areas on earth by drilling for oil in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Some of us have some very strong opinions of this, similar to BNSF railroading local governments into permission to poison our previously pure drinking water supply, the Spokane aquifer.

If you want to stop lining the oil companies' pockets with your wallets at the pump, write your congresspeople!
John Brown
Spokane, WA
The Spokesman Review


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